Wednesday, March 20, 2013

“Who you date does NOT equate to the causes you support”

     Recently a friend of mine told me about a social media group that posted a pic of Kerry Washington and her current beau (who is not African American) and proclaimed that she would not be supporting “black causes”.  Now at NO point was she quoted as saying this or anything close.  This statement was made on her behalf SOLEY because of who she is choosing to date.  Ummmmm…WTF?!
    There are PLENTY of black people MARRIED to…DATING….SLEEPING with black people that support not ONE black cause or fellow black person.  There are black people that would not even throw water on a burning relative!!!!! Who a person dates, etc has ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NO BEARING on a person’s philanthropy.  The heart wants what the heart wants.  When was the memo sent out that a caring heart ceases when the eye becomes blinded to race?
    There have been many martyrs, marches, protests and petitions so that minorities may sit, stand, be educated, work side-by-side with white people……soooooo why freak out by the fact that two people who decades ago were taught to hate each other have found love within each other? This should be looked at as the thing of beauty that it is.  These two people are together by their own free will….not by FORCE as was in the time of slavery.  People please cease with the we must stick to our own in order to help our own bs.
   You do NOT want anyone coming into your home telling you how to run it so how about you stay out of others!!!!! Speak for yourself and yourself ALONE.  I am willing to bet that for every 10 people that spend their time looking down on others because of the love that they have found, 7 of them have some bad ass, uneducated niggerish kids! How about you properly RAISE your kids and evolve yourself rather than condemning another.
     How about this, you judge and jury black folks….why not have a call to action for all!!! How about you get out in the community and volunteer and take a break from your around the clock buffoonery on social media.  The problem with the black community is NOT interracial dating its racial subparness.  You have become content….no scratch that ecstatic with being at the bottom of every totem pole.  You have NO problem with your kids knowing rap songs rather than languages, arts, science, math, etc.  You are quicker to spend your rent money on shoes and concert tickets! You think it is cute for your kids to be able to fight or curse better than a drunken pirate.  UGH!!!!!
    Do better for yourself so that you can do better in the community.  Talk to kids to enhance them rather than talk about people who you have no voice for.

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