Wednesday, March 13, 2013

“A Super Saint Weekend Warrior Will Be Left Behind”

Dear Sister Sandpaper and Brother Backslider,
     Let me be the FIRST to stand up before the congregation and fill you in on a little something…….WEEKEND WARRIORSHIP WILL NOT GET YOU RAPTURED.  You be amongst those left behind.  Religion is NOT encased in your Sunday’s best nor is it a badge to be worn when you walk into the sanctuary and to be immediately snatched off as you exit.  Church is NOT like school.  Attendance is NOT enough….George Bush did NOT hold a special meeting with God and invoke a no church member left behind act. 
    Just because you kinda sorta teach Sunday school or lead the choir ONCE a week………YOU ARE NOT SAVED.  Spending all week long sinning as if you are an immortal vampire with no humanity is NOT CHRIST LIKE and your slate is NOT wiped clean because you make it into your favorite seat on the pew somewhat on time.  Sweetheart even the Devil himself know the Bible.  A demon can be dipped into the baptismal pool…he simply goes in a dry demon to come up a wet one.  And just so it is clear, you know all those new saints that you turn your nose up to and gossip about (all up in the church)……..they will be resting in the bosom of the Lord while you wrestle with whether or not to accept the mark of the beast.
     Faith is not determined by how many attendance days or titles you acquire.  You SHOULD know this since you sit through sermon after sermon after sermon!!!!! Are you awake during this time or do you sit through every service going over your post church activities once the choir ceases to sing?  Do you think that the rest of us forget about your lady of the night behavior on Saturday night because you get up on Sunday and post scripture and tell us “Pastor brought the house down”? Are we supposed to forget that you smoke weed, drink like a fish and have 10 baby daddies because you served mac n cheese at the Church Anniversary last year?
    Walking to the front of the church for altar call or prayer during service means nothing when NO SOONER than the clergy complete the benediction you are rolling eyes and necks, cussing like a drunken sailor and eyeing the visiting minister (all the while plotting to be his new piece).  Repentance is accepted when genuine and not for show.  It is NOT a show of how much of a Super Saint you are to consistently fake a shout or catching of the Holy Spirit……..honey if you are catching your wig before it hits the floor or you are on beat with the church band… aren’t even fooling the 2 year old next to you.
     As my grandma used to tell me, “Baby, you can play with man, but you can’t play with God.”  All of you Wonder Weekend Warriors need to raise your hands, lift you head, say that three times and receive it into your spirit before you condemn your own soul for thinking church is a life sized game of Monopoly.

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