Disclaimer: This by NO
means is towards ALL single mothers.
This is merely a commentary (of sorts) regarding the specific types
There are many
reasons why a woman ends up as a single
mother……divorce….death….break-up……stupidity……promiscuity.... entrapment. But there are few reasons to actually…intentionally
while on a DAILLY hunt for a man!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honey, you are just
inde-stupid!!!!!!! You cannot simultaneously call yourself independent and a
baby momma. You cannot say you don’t
need/want a man when everything about you screams “Come Get It Daddy”.
Now I am NOT
talking about the women who silently go through there single mommy days and
just get the job done and if a man comes into the picture, he comes. UH NO!!!! I am referring to the man
chasing….child support pimping….welfare genius…..3+ kids toting heffas of the
world!!!!! I need all of you to go get fixed NOW! And while you are standing in
that lengthy line….PLEASE,PLEASE, PLEASE raise your hands to the heavens and
repeat after me, “ALL I WANT FOR MY BIRTHDAY IF A FAT POCKET MAN!” Because it
is about time you be honest with yourself.
The rest of us already know this…we are just waiting for you to admit
Moving on to the
anti-birth control, but pro-premarital sex heffas. What makes you think that by leaving the
birth control options up to a man that when you get knocked up it is now his
obligation to support your lifestyle. No
I did NOT mis-type. You are the ones
that think that a child means no more working.
Uh NO boo boo!!!!! Whether you are with the daddy or not….you have to come
out of your pocket as well. It takes
TWO!!!!!! And why are you heffas so quick to cry deadbeat? If you make a man
choose between dealing with your behind (and let’s face it, most of you were
meant to be a one-night-stand) that he is a deadbeat. He is NOT obligated to dick you down before
he can see lil Ray Ray!!!!! A man is NOT
a deadbeat because he is NOT giving you money ALONGSIDE the child support that
you keep having raised each time he gets a new woman. Keep this one thing in mind……YOU CHOSE TO
Now on to the next
batch of biddies. UNLESS your child/ren spends
NO time with their father……he contributes NO money to them at all…….clean your
ears for this one…..YOU ARE NOT DOING ISH INDEPENDENTLY!!!!! Oh how I want to
throw a pie in a chick’s face each time she talks about her baby daddy dropping
off the kids in one breath and then he is a deadbeat in the next!!!! Girl
bye!!!!! Deadbeat means he does not a damn thing!!!!! I am not saying that they
don’t exist…I am just saying that every man that fathers a child and is no
longer with the mother is NOT one!!!! Quit telling yourself and your kids that
you do it all…..chick you don’t. If you
have more checks coming in than cell phone companies….baby bop, you are far
from independent.
Now there are
those are going to be pissed as hell by what I posted…yea I don’t care. I am a woman and a mother. I did not drink the baby momma kool-aid. I live in reality. And for those that think that having a
husband makes being a mother any less trying or tiring….hahahahahahaha! You
have never been married or around a married woman. I have been married with kids….dating with kids…single
with kids. It is still mommy that they
want when sick. It is mommy that has to deal with most kid related
things….because we are mommy…the nurturer!!!!!! Quit expecting men to be you!!!
Quit thinking that the grass is greener or self-cutting on the other damn
side. And for those that believe a
husband will make mommy-hood easier…keep your freaking legs closed till you get
one. Racking up a football team surely
isn’t bringing him to your freaking door.
STOP being so proud to wear the badge of the single mother! Be proud of
making yourself better so that the next man will give you the honor of his name
and security. Be proud that your child
carries the name of a man that is worthy, rather than the shame of not knowing
his face. We as women are waaaaaayyyyyy
too quit to point the finger at men and jump on the bandwagon to pat each other
on the man-hating back….but dearies, many times it is us that need to look in
the mirror and point.
So the next time
you inde-stupid women want to rally, remember that you chose your baby daddy
and you raising the deadbeat flag says more about you than it does him.
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