Wednesday, March 27, 2013

BONUS: "Bieber Gone Wild"

   Justin Bieber has lost his mind and is now threatening to “take a break” due to media criticism and his “haters” .  Many people are saying that his behavior is due to the caliber of people that he has begun hanging around with.  UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM…..I DISAGREE!!!! First of all have we forgotten that his ass is NOW 18 and he began going berserk right after he blew out the damn candles.  From there this little no talent Usher want to be went on a rampage of proving his manhood!
     To a certain degree can you blame him? His MOTHER thought it would be a good idea for him to have a doll and a line of FINGERNAIL POLISH!!! There have been SEVERAL jokes and suggestive comments regarding the possibility that he may be a…..wait for it…..hold on its coming…..A GIRL.  He is doing the same teen age/early adulthood bull crap that all other “child stars have done”.  Don’t think so?  Let’s go down the list.  Sex….check. Drugs…check. Irrational/erratic behavior…check.  Showing “the world” that they are grown….check.  Changing away from the squeaky clean image….check.  Still think he’s so different from Britney & Christina & MJ & more?
     Now do NOT get me wrong, I wish he would take a PERMANENT break from making music because he makes my ears bleed.  I am really, truly not surprised that he is acting like a freaking 18 year old idiot! Hell, the fact that he is saying that he has “haters” should let you know he is a typically teen product of a single parent household with an overbearing mother at the helm.  If he was working at McDonald’s or Subway and fresh out of high school you would see it for what it is.  Selena let him sniff the panties and now he is really feeling himself.  BIG FRIGGING WHOOP!!!!
     He cheated on his girlfriend.  OK?! He met with a nursing student, wooed her, had oral sex with her and then she realized that she was making out with the girl-boy and ran out.  Ok, his semi-man pride was hurt and he acted out a bit.  What man (before he shakes the breast milk from his chin).  He went home to Canada and LEGALLY smoked weed.  Ummmmm…..who in the music industry at this point hasn’t had a 420 moment? Moving on……. Justin had a few faux fights with paparazzi…….I don’t know too many teens that have NOT had a fight at some point.  So what’s next? A drunken binge…….tales of womanizing………strange tattoos………a look that you never expected that will be gone before you can really give it some thought.  Yes sir ree bob!!!!! 
      Eventually the rest of the hair will appear on his balls and his left nut will drop and all will be fine.  Look around your neighborhood, your family, your social media interactions and you will find a mother complaining about their [temporarily] wayward male children from 16-19.  If you have one of them…..well, then you already know what’s going on with dear, dear Biebs.  Just as any other male going through this….quit giving him the attention he seeks and change will come sooner than later. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

“Iron sharpens iron and slices cardboard like warm butter. “

     Throughout my life, I have encountered plenty of people who believe that they are more evolved than they are…..that they deserve more out of life than what they currently have……that they are humble and able to receive criticism.  Problem is…….those you proclaim this (especially aloud) are RARELY the ones that truly are prepared for what their hearts and souls desire and seek. 
     Iron is meant to SHARPEN iron.  This means it takes TWO pieces of iron to sharpen EACH OTHER.  You can NOT allow yourself to become soooooo full of yourself that you believe that ONLY you can enhance someone.  That ONLY you are a blessing.  That you KNOW everything and you need no one to ever correct you.  You must be corrected as you correct.  Well….that is if you are IRON.
    I realize that the vast majority of people ready this will automatically put themselves in the category of iron.  I mean, who wants to think, let alone admit, that they are less than iron?  Many will scream at the top of their lungs that they have NO desire for change…..that they wish to be loved and accepted just as they are.  But say and KNOW that they are NOT iron….good luck getting that confession honey.  You will sooner get Bush Jr to admit he stole two elections and that [ultimately] Cheney ran the country for 8 years. 
   Iron is able to take criticism and does NOT desire to be surrounded by people that simply agree or just sit and listen yet NEVER offer feedback.  Why? Because those who are iron realize that you are made better by critics.  Iron is evolved enough to know that when people are silent….they are not listening (and barely hearing) therefore they say nothing.  When you are cared for/loved by iron, there is an over whelming desire to make you better because they want you always equally yoked.  As they propel you…..they wish to be propelled.  Iron wants feedback….to be told when wrong… be taught… grow.  All others merely want to be right… live with little to no admittance of fault or guilt……to be no more than a crab in an ever expanding bucket.
     For those of you reading this that just may not know if you are iron…..and/or those lying to yourself……ask yourself the following:
1.       Do you believe that your words (even when incorrect) should be taken as the gospel by those you choose to speak to?
2.       Do you follow the philosophy that you can and will see all of your own flaws, therefore NO ONE needs to point them out ever?
3.       Do you DEMAND understanding, yet often get accused of NOT being understanding?
4.       Do you spend more time assuming or asking why? Assuming or listening?
     If you answered yes to any of these….or if anyone contacted you telling you to read this…….YOU ARE NOT IRON.   You are merely LYING to yourself.  Answering yes to the abpve shows that you lack the desire to be sharpened.  You believe that you can sharpen yourself.  Now maybe I needed to pay more attention in science class…..BUUUUUUTTTTTT I do NOT recall ANYTHING that simply was able to sharpen itself all alone.  Do you? What kind of delusions must a person possess for them to truly think in their mind and heart and soul that they can see every side of themselves…..that they will know when and how they have wronged womeone…….. that they are able to add wisdom to themselves?
     When we are young, we are taught by our parents.  We enter school and are taught by teachers.  When we begin jobs, we are taught by trainers.  We trust in these staples….YET when it comes to the most important aspects of life, we believe that we know more and better than all others to the point that no instruction is needed? No correction is needed? 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

“Lying about your resume will not make you qualify”

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“Hoe Please......."

     I must say that recently I have been finding great enjoyment from the amount of women who are pretending to NOT be hoes.  All over the place proclaiming that material things mean NOTHING to them……that they look down on women who do things for money……..that they believe that it is tasteless for a woman to trade sex for money.  BUT, these same women are chomping at the bit any time they hear a man say that he is: paying bills, buying gifts, etc.  UMMMMMMMMMM how is it soooo different to take gifts from a man KNOWING FULL WELL what sexual favors you must perform in order to get a purse or some shoes or some other prize?
   The hoe that is upfront about being a hoe is getting BILLS paid.  This heffa is NOT starving…NOT heartbroken…NOT at home alone crying into a tub of ice-cream over a man that barely spends $20 on her.  You delusional, in denial hoes are getting ONE prize and a wet ass!!!! Now who is the dumb one?  You are all over a man’s FaceBook page on one post talking about you don’t believe in premarital sex or that hoes are the scum of the earth……just to volunteer to suck him off for a purse in the next damn post.  BITCH, do you think he forgot what you just said?! You know you have rent and utilities to pay…cell phone bill…kids’ clothes to buy…and you sucking and fucking for ONE DAMN THING?! Soooooo you are cool with being in the dark in three days?
    I have NO issues with hoes.  They fill a need in society.  And let us face it ladies……NONE OF US ARE OPENING OUR LEGS FOR FREE.  He’s taking us out….he’s buying flowers….he’s buying gifts….he is coming out of his pockets for something as the “open sesame” to our legs.  If he is NOT…….you are stupid or incredibly ugly or a combination of the two.  Men….if you believe you have NEVER paid….keep lying to yourself. 
   Ladies… are you so quick to brag to your friends (real and cyber based) what a man is doing for you, etc. etc….BUT you want to look down on a hoe.  You are working TWO jobs, fighting with your ex in child support or pimping out welfare and allowing a guy to do God only knows to you for a pair of shoes OR a dress OR a phone card OR a purse?! You really truly have the audacity to look down on a woman that is open and honest with a man….decides UP FRONT what will be done to her and/or him…….has negotiated her price that will pay some bills or in the equivalent to MULTIPLE items leaving with her! Keep criticizing the woman that admits that she is a hoe….but while you are at it…..CRITICIZE YOUR DAMN SELF FOR GIVING AWAY YOUR SLIGHTLY USED VAGINA FOR RATES LOWER THAN HOOKERS ON BACKPAGE.COM!!!!!!!!

“Who you date does NOT equate to the causes you support”

     Recently a friend of mine told me about a social media group that posted a pic of Kerry Washington and her current beau (who is not African American) and proclaimed that she would not be supporting “black causes”.  Now at NO point was she quoted as saying this or anything close.  This statement was made on her behalf SOLEY because of who she is choosing to date.  Ummmmm…WTF?!
    There are PLENTY of black people MARRIED to…DATING….SLEEPING with black people that support not ONE black cause or fellow black person.  There are black people that would not even throw water on a burning relative!!!!! Who a person dates, etc has ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NO BEARING on a person’s philanthropy.  The heart wants what the heart wants.  When was the memo sent out that a caring heart ceases when the eye becomes blinded to race?
    There have been many martyrs, marches, protests and petitions so that minorities may sit, stand, be educated, work side-by-side with white people……soooooo why freak out by the fact that two people who decades ago were taught to hate each other have found love within each other? This should be looked at as the thing of beauty that it is.  These two people are together by their own free will….not by FORCE as was in the time of slavery.  People please cease with the we must stick to our own in order to help our own bs.
   You do NOT want anyone coming into your home telling you how to run it so how about you stay out of others!!!!! Speak for yourself and yourself ALONE.  I am willing to bet that for every 10 people that spend their time looking down on others because of the love that they have found, 7 of them have some bad ass, uneducated niggerish kids! How about you properly RAISE your kids and evolve yourself rather than condemning another.
     How about this, you judge and jury black folks….why not have a call to action for all!!! How about you get out in the community and volunteer and take a break from your around the clock buffoonery on social media.  The problem with the black community is NOT interracial dating its racial subparness.  You have become content….no scratch that ecstatic with being at the bottom of every totem pole.  You have NO problem with your kids knowing rap songs rather than languages, arts, science, math, etc.  You are quicker to spend your rent money on shoes and concert tickets! You think it is cute for your kids to be able to fight or curse better than a drunken pirate.  UGH!!!!!
    Do better for yourself so that you can do better in the community.  Talk to kids to enhance them rather than talk about people who you have no voice for.