On April 1st
each year, the world agrees that pranks should be the order of business for the
day. I don’t mind, because even fools
need a day in which they can feel smart.
Therefore, I will sit back and watch the pranks roll in and laugh to my
hearts contentment as fools fall for more than they would any other day. I know that NO lessons will be learned today….no
advice will be given….it is a day to be entertained or be the
entertainment. As I see it, April 1st
is a welcomed break from the headache that generally lives in my brain due to
me bearing witness to dumb shit compounded upon dumb shit.
It is April 2nd
that I dread. The day that most pay no mind to…..the day of redemption for
those pranked. When the excuses begin
again in a supersized form. April 2nd
is faaaaaarrrrr worse than February 15th…you know the day that all
the side chicks and side dudes go to great lengths to post pics of crap they bought
themselves and they spend every breath trying to convince the words (and
themselves) that they are loved. April 2nd
brings out the inner philosopher and politician in fools. They feel the uncanny urge to prove to the
world that they are deep….intellectual…..worth the space they take up. I just wish that during this quest for
popularity and acceptance they would figure out that we KNOW they are fools and
would appreciate their efforts going towards NOT MAKING THE SAME MISTAKE EVERY
DAM DAY!!!!!
April 2nd
is like the New Year of Fools, making April 1st its New Year’s Eve. I am NOT looking forward to ringing in this
new year of Tom Foolery. 2013 has been
enough of a mess with fools that have NO FREAKING clue that they are fools and
all of their tales of [self-inflicted] woe and more excuses than Joan River’s
surgeries. Between skinny jean wearing,
faux straight-men causing themselves to have seizures……dumb hoes popping out
babies and popping off at the mouth on Social media while REFUSING paternity
tests……..side chicks pretending to be wives…..single heffas disrespecting who
they wish they could be….men proclaiming they want honesty but keeping lies as
their right hand…….a girl needs a dose of sanity and a removal of the
When did we
collectively decide to allow fools to run the world….oh yea that’s right….when
we QUIT holding ourselves and each other accountable for shit!!!!!!!!!! We
would rather delete the bar rather than raise it. So have fun today with all of the April Fools
banter, etc…..just keep in mind that when you awake in the morning…..the
regularly scheduled programming is coming straight to you in 3-D HD.
You go girl I didn't know you was doing all this!!!! PROUD...I will be pay attention...