Monday, April 8, 2013

“I Refuse to Divorce My Racist”

  By now, many of you are familiar with the article involving a black woman who married a white man that likes to make racial slurs towards her.  This woman is concerned about not being able to keep up her life style (since he requested that she stop working) and refers to him as her “sexy, handsome man”.  Nothing wrong with that right? BUUUUUTTTTTTT her refers to her as having “good hair” and possibly being owned by his family, jokes that he purchased her freedom, calls her under carriage her “negro bush” and himself as a “nigger lover”. 

     Where to begin? Where to begin? Now this lovely woman would like for us to believe that this mess began on their honeymoon…..FAT CHANCE.  She talks about being “wined and dined”…….she insinuates that her ignorance about interracial relationships comes from being a first generation American from Jamaica.  Ummmmmm….I guess while here in the good ol U-S-of-A she NEVER encountered a non-black person huh? Did she arrive in a part of the country that has been frozen in the 1800's where every white person spews slurs at every black face that they see?  
      I guess she felt that after 6 months of dating and shopping around the globe this tiger would change its stripes.  My mouth dropped as I continued to read this grouping of partial truths as this woman talked about being so in love with this man that made her (admittedly) feel less, than but not mentioning his love her her….just his request for a “black pass”.

    Are we black women becoming so desperate for a man that we are willing to [literally] sell ourselves for shopping trips and “old white money” (that is more than likely protected from our sun kissed hands by iron-clad prenups) Death would NOT make it ours....its going to other pale family or charity honey....NOT YOU. Have we lowered ourselves to the point that we would trade self-respect for the title of Mrs. Victim?  This heffa knows that this is nothing new in her relationship…….she was cool with it…….this SCREAMS: SOMEONE FOUND OUT AND NOW WE MUST FIND DAMAGE CONTROL.  

     Think about it..........A black woman that is NOT running to her FRIENDS about her man doing wrong….THAT’S NEW.  A black woman NOT calling on her brothers or cousins to whoop that ass for being called something other than her name by her man……this is new!!!!!  

    It is a sad, sad thing that this woman is ALLOWING HERSELF to become the new flavor of the month at 'Candy Land'…..but should our hearts really go out to her?  Is she any different than the ‘Basketball Wives’ most of you watch? They give-away their father’s names for shopping trips, stilettos and shelter in exchange for men that look at them as property.  How is this woman any different from a mail-order-bride? The price was paid….you agreed to the terms….deal with it or pack your shit and be gone! Oh yea that’s right…….you want to have babies and keep up your “way of life”.  Good luck with that one.  Hope she enjoys 18 years of raising little Uncle Ruckus babies. 
       I am sorry that she was sooooo freaking short-sighted that she NEVER THOUGHT ANYONE WOULD FIND OUT SHE REFUSES TO DIVORCE A RACIST.  And NOT sleeping with him is her answer? HAHAHAHAHAHA honey…..he is a RACIST.  He says messed up crap to you outside of the bedroom…..he’s an investment banker…..can you say MISTRESS?  Just cause he’s not banging you doesn’t mean he is not banging.  And that little sun drop, that's swallowing his heirs,  has no problem being broke off in exchange for having her box called a “negro bush”….why? Because you are already caring the shame and she is in the shadows. 
     The sympathy that you were hoping to get by contacting Essence is NOT coming dearie boo boo.  It just isn’t coming.  We women of color are not in the mood (ESPECIALLY AFTER Nicki Minaj and Lil Kim) to keep being pushed back to the Queenie days….so buck up or sftu!!!!!!


  1. I completely agree. Ignorance is not bliss, it's and it's not even ignorance. I like the comparison to women who marry or seek status as being in the same category. I don't personally care, it's your life but don't complain about it like you're a martyr when you knew from the start.If the ILLUSION of money property and prestige is enough to justify being branded like a cow and you are comfortable with that...settle on down! Similarly women that chase after men that are married, get pregnant than whine because the man is not leaving their family to raise the child with them. It all comes down to the same thing. Make responsible choices and stand by your decisions... hey, right or wrong. You have to live with them.

    1. Very well put. To each their own.......but one must be willing to walk with pride when it comes to their life decisions.

  2. there in love its just a lil disey thats all at least he with areal women not some silley white girl right

    1. Ummmmm.... I am not sure how you see this woman as a real woman.

      This is NOT condemning interracial couples or claiming that black women are better. This is shedding light on a woman who is willing to endure racism for money.

  3. That negro bed wench mentality is more prevalent than people want to admit.. Many sistas see this as way to move up in the world.. Look at many mid level sistas at these corporations they often feel they have to whip on people harder than massa can.

    1. True. Difference is, they do not attempt to make themselves victims. They proudly step into the role and make no apologies for it. This new breed of I am a victim as soon as people find out ninjas is a sad, sad thing.
