Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Love Avoiders and their Enablers

     There are millions of things written about people ignoring red flags when in love, but no one addresses the faux flags that are birthed by those who want to avoid love as if it were death.  Yes....you read that correctly.  To day we are going to explore those that have fallen in love, but don't want it; or just can't handle it.  The man that will swear that his devoted wife is cheating, yet each time he sneaks home early...checks her phone or the phone bill...stalks her social media pages finds NOTHING, but still makes her life miserable with accusations.  The woman that believes her man has a side chick, but he is so far up her tooty he can barely breathe.
     Both cases are examples of people that will allow fact and evidence to be ignored so that their desires can be justified.  They can walk away from envy provoking love fear and clear in conscience....or so they believe.  The will pay no attention to the devotion and love that has been bestowed upon them; that is until a cold night or a tragedy hits them.  Then there is a moment of breakdown.  But they still will NOT admit that love was kind to them or that they know desire and need it.
     When a love avoider suffers their breakdown, it becomes a stertorous vortex for the person that once loved them dearly and completely.  Because their love is no longer present due to the antics and games of the avoider, the former flame is blamed.  Are you surprised? An avoider is not one that will be honest.  They will lie and game and more to shuck and dive love's tackle.  At what point do you think that they will admit that their anger and heartbreak are their own fault? I will wait while you figure this out.......
     What makes the situation even worse is that love avoiders tend to have friends that will second their craziness.  This mixed with people that have been waiting in the wings to swoop them away from their love will further make them believe that their actions and antics are OK.  Unfortunately, as all these instigators and enablers gain maturity and begin to settle down....the love avoider will end up either alone or settling for another avoider.  This way you don't die singularly but you will die alone.
      We all know at leas one person that is a love avoider.  That friend, family member or ex that always has an excuse or a flat out  lie about why someone isn't right for them.  That person that during stressful situations in life will wage war on an ex or the person they are currently dating.  The question of the hour is...what do you do about it? Do you allow an innocent to be ripped apart because your buddy is afraid to be loved or admited that htey want love? Do you sit by and agree with their crazy? Or maybe you give approval via silence.
    Just keep in mind, an avoider could wreck your heart or that of your son or daughter.  Karma has a sneaky way of paying us back by paying it forward a generation or two.

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