By now EVERYONE is aware of the tragic shooting of 18 year old Mike Brown this past weekend. We can ALL agree that this could of been avoided......where the division lies is HOW it could have been avoided and people's actions since his death. From all accounts, it can safely be said that Brown was shot while fleeing police AND that there was a shot fired from WITHIN a patrol car. Logic and rationale would dictate that a FORMAL investigation be had so that precisely what happened can be unearthed......BUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT let's face it, we live in America. NO ONE wants an investigation.......EVERYONE wants their brand of justice carried out.
Now let's move on to what will guarantee me hate mail. SOMEONE PLEASE tell me why he was in the BACK OF THE PATROL CAR TO BEGIN WITH? Why did he run? What are we as a SOCIETY (not simply black folks) teaching our children about the police? Playing devil's advocate, let's assume that he was being falsely detained by an officer. OK, that's plausible.......BUT how did he get out of the back of the car? Why was a shot fired within the car? Why did he run? By all accounts Brown was a young man with a bright future. The world was in the palm of his proverbial hands......why was he fleeing police? Had his mind been filled with the fear that black men are the usual suspect by law enforcement? Was he a typical 2014 teen that felt he was invincible? Or was "they shoot first ask questions later" replaying in his mind and fight or flight kicked in?
Before you take out your pitch forks and come looking for me to burn me at the stake......I AM NOT justifying his death in the least...... I just have questions. We ALL should have questions!!!!!!! Not to mention WE should NOT be condoning looting and violence in his memory. It was VIOLENCE that took Brown from his parents, family and is that a proper way to point out how senseless it was? Keep in mind that what you do NOW.......IS NOW THE FOCUS!!!!!! Not so much how or why a young man is no longer going home to his mother. The headlines are now ALL about St. Louis and the comments are less than flattering currently about its residents.
Tell me again how this helps? What ever you tear will replace with your freedom....your taxes.....your lack of justice. Take up his cause, by all means!!!!! But do it in a way that is productive!!!!!!!!!! Launch your OWN investigation. Compile statements from those that were there. Collect the videos that were taken. Hold [controlled] protests encouraging those that you have elected to take a look at the state of affairs in your city? Believe that they are corrupt? Get yourself in their position.
Oh, while you are at it......don't just be enraged by Brown's death......BE ENRAGED BY ALL OF THE DEATHS RATHER BY POLICE, PARENTS, OR FELLOW TEENS!!!!!! You are only as valuable to society as you show society that you are.
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