How often is your phone, inbox, timeline bombarded with tales of a person that you had no idea your friend or family member even knew. Before their presentation of this person's history (that you rarely to never attempt to confirm or deny, and more often than not take as the gospel) you had NEVER heard their name uttered. NEVER heard of the informant speaking to them. NEVER been told of a visit to this phantom being's home. And how often has you friend told you with conviction details that (by all accounts) only a person close to the gossip-pee would know?
Beginning to see that this is becoming an annoying and potentially life damaging epidemic? Thought you might. You may be wondering why I say that it is potentially life damaging? Because in the day and age that we live in were information is shared and believed faster than the speed of light, the negative and [generally] false re-writes made to a person's life can easily land in the wrong hands. Land upon the most inappropriate ears. A person's place of employment. Child services. The police. Entities that [traditionally] take action first and MAY ask questions later......MAYBE.
teacher's copy of a final exam, can ruin a person.....YET NO ONE THINKS ABOUT THAT. Until they become the target of a fantastical re-write. Call it gossip.....call it bullying....call it flat out lies....call it hating. Doesn't matter the label that you give it when it can be stopped IMMEDIATELY.
How you may ask? Quite simply. Ask questions.......hold the editor-in-chief accountable. If you are not afraid to hear someone being torn down, do not be afraid to ask:
- "How do you know?"
- "You've been to their home?"
- "You speak to them on a regular basis?"
- "This matters, why?
- "You are paying what bills of their's?"
From there.........wait for it.....this is some radical ish right here......I mean groundbreaking prevention technique to the max.........STFU!!!!!!! If you do NOT like drama or YOUR name drug through ,mud, poop, trash and sewers or your business (real or fictitious) discussed as it were a book club topic......DON'T DO IT TO ANOTHER. ESPECIALLY when you KNOW the person whispering in your ear is just working full time at a job that comes with NO DIVIDENDS.
Also, keep in mind......IF THEY WILL DO IT WITH YOU, THEY WILL DO IT TO YOU. There is a motive behind re-writes.....no one desires to make someone look like decayed leftovers for no reason. There is an inherent need for them to feel and "look" better than their target. Rather to justify something that they have done that was well below board, gain the attention of a desired [or former] mate, a desired position, popularity or many other idiotic reasons; there is cause for the effect.
By the way, I find the MOST asinine component of all of this......the LISTENER and CARRIER. You know, the person that is always saying "talk to me about me"....."I can't stand a gossip"..."don't run your mouth about me"...."you don't know my journey". Yet will catch and toss unfounded re-writes quicker than Kim Kardashian has publicity stunts. Stop believing that you are the ONLY person that deserves to be respected. That you are the ONLY person that has a journey that deserves to be told by you and you alone.